Roles & Responsibilities
Drinking Water Source Protection

Drinking Water Source Protection (DWSP) requires the input of all stakeholders in order to create and implement a Source Protection plan that will work in our region. There are many partners and organizations involved in the Drinking Water Source Protection initiative. Here’s a brief summary of who’s who and what they do!

North Bay-Mattawa Source Protection Committee
The local Drinking Water Source Protection Committee developed a Terms of Reference, an Assessment Report that outlined threats and risks to the region’s source water, and a plan to eliminate or reduce those risks. The ten-person committee consists of municipal representatives, landowners and other groups such as industry and agriculture. For more information on the committee, please click here.

Residents and Business Owners of the North Bay-Mattawa Region
The region's residents and local stakeholders played a large part in the development of the North Bay-Mattawa Source Protection Plan. Formal participation included participation in working groups, attending public meetings and/or providing feedback during public consultation sessions. Informal participation included taking care of our watershed through water conservation and best practices. As part of the process to compile the Assessment Report, residents and business owners allowed qualified staff to access their properties to conduct investigations and research. Residents and business owners were given advance notice and the staff provided proper identification at time of access. To learn more about how you can continue to provide input and make a difference, contact the Project Manager using the information provided on our Contact page!

North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority (NBMCA)
With funding from the Province, the NBMCA  integrated a Drinking Water Source Protection team into its existing programs and services. The DWSP Team gathered data to determine and map how much water flows in and out of the watershed and how the characteristics of the region may affect it. The NBMCA also coordinated technical studies for the City of North Bay and other DWSP municipalities, in addition to creating educational and outreach programs and opportunities to involve stakeholders and the public in the review of the Source Protection Plan.

In addition, the North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority is constantly compiling educational resources for non-municipal water (private well & surface water) users in the Near North region, as they are not currently included under the Clean Water Act legislation.

To ensure the highest level of data integrity, the NBMCA DWSP staff also established a panel of outside experts to review data and findings related to the Water Budget.

Municipalities within our region develop growth strategies and water/sewer infrastructure plans. These plans and local expertise are inputted into the overall data regarding current and future water resources and needs.

Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MOECC)
As the lead agency responsible for the proposed Clean Water Act, the MOECC is responsible for drafting legislation and policies, funding Drinking Water Source Protection planning on a local level and approving the DWSP reports and plans submitted by the local Source Protection Committees.

Conservation Ontario
Conservation Ontario (CO) represents Ontario’s 36 Conservation Authorities. Justice O’Connor’s recommendations for Source protection specified that the plans should be developed on a watershed basis. As watershed based organizations with a science based approach, conservation authorities were a natural fit to coordinate research and development of their local Drinking Water Source Protection Plan. CO assists the CAs in coordinating the DWSP initiative across the province to maximize shared resources and knowledge.

Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF)
The MNRF shares its knowledge and mapping resources with the Drinking Water Source Protection Team.

North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority

15 Janey Avenue
North Bay, Ontario
P1C 1N1

Phone: (705) 474-5420
Fax: (705) 474-9793 

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